Sunday, March 13, 2011

Staying Alive

So it’s been a couple of days since I made a post. I’ve been soaking in all the information I’ve gotten and letting it process.  I’ve also made the decision to practice positive thinking and utilize the techniques taught in “The Secret”.  My mom was actually the one that decided to re-read the health portion so my new mantra is “Thank you for my healing.  I feel great, I feel wonderful.”  I figure half of any battle is attitude so I’m going to take on a positive approach.

Regarding my doctor visits.  I saw the oncologist in Wichita on Friday.  He’s been my doctor for over 5 years so I already trust him and have a good relationship with him.  He was very up beat and positive.  He said that he can administer Chemo in Pratt, which I was relieved about as I just don’t’ want to spend 5-6 months in Houston for chemo.  He said that he would go to MD Anderson, if I were his family, to get the surgery there as well as the chemo plan and he’d work with them to administer the Chemo.  Dr. Troung did concur that I’d probably have chemo before surgery so we will see what MD Anderson says. He said the more eyes looking at my case the better. He also went through the Chemo treatments and said there would be 2 different types given to me for 8-12 weeks per type.  I asked if I’d lose my hair, and he said yes, with this type of chemo yes.  So now I am going to look at hair styles and when it starts falling out have fun with some wigs in different colors and styles.

Needless to say, he was shocked that I was diagnosed with this type, Grade 3 and triple negative, of cancer; and said he would be my advocate and I wasn’t going anywhere I was too young and had too many things to still do.  He made me feel like there was a pot of gold at the end of this journey and I am much more confident in my decision to go to MD Anderson and pursue treatment with the best of the best after my visit with him.

I also had and MRI and my BRCA testing.  The MRI results will be in this week and the BRCA not until the week of March 21.  I’m glad I got it done though so we can see if I have the gene as opposed to having to wait another 10 days once I get to MD Anderson to answer that question. 

We left for a family vacation yesterday.  Stayed over in Denver and will head to Breckenridge shortly.  We’ll leave there Saturday.  Unpack, repack and then head out to Houston on Monday march 21.  All the doctors I’ve seen have all agreed that we should take the family vacation and enjoy before the next several months of treatment. 

I’m also told by my brother Jon, that there is an ancient Indian cure for cancer.  It involves walnut and 100 proof liquor.  Evidently you crush the nuts and soak them in the liquor for 24 hours then drinking it?  The concerns we have are, how much is one supposed to drink.  I’m thinking if one can survive, by not getting alcohol poising, the cure they surly can survive cancer.  (LOL) He’s going to get more info for me on this, but I figure hey, I might as well look into it. 

On a funny note, we were eating last night and Staying Alive came on.  I said this is my song.  And my mom and sister in law Tori looked at me like I was morbid.  Then it clicked, in this situation it was morbid, however Susan and I have been dancing to that song for years so that is what I was saying but they thought I was saying since I Have breast cancer it’s my new song.  We all got a good laugh out of it and as we all know, laughter is the best medicine to cure any alignment. Also one of my all time favorite songs is "I will survive", maybe my choice of  music was preparing me for this?? :)

I probably won’t be making many posts over the next week as I won’t be seeing doctors and instead enjoying my vacation but if each of you will keep praying and saying “Thank you for Miranda’s Healing” that would be great.  I’m trying to get all of the powers of the universe to work with me as I need to stack my team to win this battle. 


  1. Thinking of you and keeping you and your family in my constant prayers, Girlfriend. I just know in my heart that if anyone can beat this, it is YOU!! You've always been one tough cookie. Hugs!

    Love ya,
    Brooke Albin

  2. Glad you are taking the needed vacation to regroup and gain strength. I will be here for you. Many hugs and prayers...Patty

  3. I was just talking about the Walnut stuff with Buddy Williams the other day when i was having lunch with Manda with everyone from the rope factory. From what he was saying you dont drink very much at all! He said he knows people that have tried it and have been successful. Have a great time in CO!!!


  4. I have actually read some on this... I will have to try to remember where it was... I have a book on "Natural Healing" also... I'll be looking for it for you. And of course PRAYING for you, thats a given :<).
